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Corn flour arepas with bran - quearepas.com

Arepa de Harina de Maiz con Afrecho (Corn Flour with Afrecho) Recipe

If your style is to eat healthy, here you have the recipe of Arepa with corn flour and bran, this will give more nutritional power to your arepa and it is very easy to prepare.
Prep Time 8 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Acompañamiento, Cenas, Desayuno, Saludable
Cuisine Saludable - Fitness
Servings 4 Arepas
Calories 200 kcal


  • 1 Container to prepare the dough
  • 1 Budare or frying pan
  • 1 Spatula to flip the arepa
  • 1 Spoon to place the salt
  • 1 Fork to stir the dough with the water before kneading


  • 4 Tazas Agua a temperatura ambiente that is not cold
  • 1 Cucharadita Salt
  • 4 Tazas Precooked corn flour
  • 4 Cucharadas Afrecho to taste preferably fine


  • Place 4 cups of water in the container.
    Ingredientes para preparar Arepa con Afrecho - QuéArepas
  • Add the teaspoon of salt to the water and stir until dissolved.
  • Add the bran to the water and stir.
  • Add the corn flour in small portions and mix with a fork so that no lumps form.
    Masa para arepa de harina de maíz con afrechoa - QueArepas com
  • Once all the flour has been added and mixed with the fork, you can let it rest for about 5 minutes. This is not always necessary and depends on the type of flour you use.
    After resting you can check the consistency of the dough and determine if it is necessary to add more water or flour.
  • Now proceed to knead until the dough is consistent enough and does not stick to your hands. It should not be too hard, but not too soft either because you will not be able to form the arepas well.
  • To form the arepas, take dough that fits easily in your hand and start forming balls in a circular motion.
    When the ball of dough is well formed, continue making circles with your hands, but press down so that you can flatten the ball to form the arepa.
    Bola de masa para hacer arepa de harina de maíz - quearepas.com com
  • Finish shaping the arepa, if necessary wet your hands a little. Then add some oil to the budare or frying pan, previously heated over medium heat. Place the arepas to cook.
    Arepa de harina de maíz con afrecho lista para colocar al budare - quearepas com
  • After about 5 or 6 minutes turn the arepa over until it is finally cooked.
    Arepa con Afrecho cocinada en sartén - QuéArepas



Nutritional Composition

The nutritional composition of a corn flour arepa with bran may vary depending on the ingredients used and the size of the arepa, but here is an estimate based on a medium-sized arepa:
Calories: approximately 180-200 calories
Carbohydrate: about 35 grams
Protein: about 4-5 grams
Fat: about 2-3 grams
Fiber: about 3-4 grams
It is important to note that bran cornmeal contains more fiber than traditional cornmeal, which can help improve digestion and maintain a feeling of satiety for longer. In addition, arepa is a good source of complex carbohydrates, which are important for long-term energy.
However, it is important to remember that the nutritional value of the arepa can vary according to the ingredients used in the filling, so it is advisable to opt for healthy and balanced options.
Keyword arepa con afrecho, Arepa Viuda