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Arepa de Pernil - quearepas.com

Arepa de Pernil Recipe - quearepas.com

Arepa de pernil is a traditional Venezuelan dish that combines a pre-cooked corn dough with seasoned and shredded pork leg. The dough is prepared by mixing water, salt and corn dough, while the pork leg is marinated with spices, garlic and orange juice, and cooked slowly until tender. Once ready, the arepa is stuffed with the pork leg and enjoyed in a unique gastronomic experience full of authentic flavors.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 2 hours
Total Time 2 hours 30 minutes
Course Aperitivo, Cenas, Desayuno
Cuisine Venezolana
Servings 4 Arepas
Calories 350 kcal


For the preparation of the arepa

  • 4 cups Precooked corn flour
  • 4 cups Water
  • 1/4 tbsp Salt

Preparation of the pork leg

  • 1 unit Pork leg
  • 1 tbsp Oregano
  • 1 tbsp Paprika powder
  • 1 tbsp Cumin
  • 1 tbsp Garlic powder
  • 1 cup Orange juice
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil


Arepas Preparation

  • In a bowl place the water, add the salt and slowly add the precooked flour. Mix constantly until the flour is completely mixed in. Now knead until you get a consistent dough. Form the arepas and place them in a pan over medium heat.
    Cook for at least 7 minutes per side.
    Arepas at Budare - arepas de pernil - quearepas.com

Preparation of the pork leg

  • Select the pork leg and tie to obtain the consistency of the pork leg.
  • Pincha o perfora el pernil con un cuchillo con mucho cuidado, esto es para que los ingredientes se absorvan mejor.
    Prick the pork leg - quearepas.com
  • Prepare a marinade with the spices, garlic, orange juice or beer and olive oil.
  • Cover the pork leg with the marinade and let it rest for several hours or overnight.
    Pork leg ready to bake - quearepas.com
  • Cook the pork leg in the oven at low temperature until it is tender and falls apart easily.
    Ready pork leg - quearepas.com
  • Cut the pork leg into slices or to your liking.
  • Open each arepa in half and fill them with the shredded pork leg.
    Arepa de Pernil - quearepas.com



Nutritional Information

The nutritional composition of an arepa de pernil can vary depending on the ingredients used and the proportions of each one. The following is a rough estimate of the nutritional composition of an average arepa de pernil:
  • Calories: about 300-400 calories per arepa, depending on the size and ingredients used.
  • Fats: about 10-15 grams, mainly from the pork leg.
  • Carbohydrates: about 40-50 grams, mainly from the corn dough in the arepa.
  • Protein: about 15-20 grams, mainly from the pork leg.
  • Fiber: about 2-4 grams, mainly from the corn dough.
  • Vitamins and minerals: the pork leg arepa can provide significant amounts of iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and niacin due to the pork leg used in the filling.
Keyword pernil