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Arepas de Huevo - quearepas

Arepas de Huevo recipe original from Luruaco

Colombian egg arepas are delicious, soft and fluffy corn flour patties that taste incredible. The texture of Colombian egg arepas is very similar to that of a classic sope because they have a similar thickness and shape.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Course Aperitivo, Cena, Desayuno
Cuisine Colombiana
Servings 2 Arepas
Calories 260 kcal


  • 1 Taza Water
  • 1/2 cucharadita salt
  • 1/2 cda sugar
  • 2 tazas corn flour
  • 2 Tazas oil
  • 1 unidad Egg


  • Place the water in a medium bowl, add the salt and sugar, then add the flour little by little until a very soft dough is obtained.
  • When the dough is ready, divide it into equal portions, leaving a small portion to serve as a cap. With the portions, create balls by making circular movements with your hands.
  • Continue making circular movements, but now pressing to flatten the dough, until it is half a centimeter thick.
  • In a separate pan, heat enough vegetable oil so that the arepas can float in it. When the dough is sufficiently cooked, the arepas will expand a little and leave a space in which to insert the raw egg.
    It is best if the dough is very soft, otherwise it will have difficulty puffing up in the oil.
  • The egg is placed in the arepa, making a hole in the edge of the arepa and part of the uncooked dough is used to cover it. Then fry again until the egg and the curbirlo dough are cooked.
    Colocar el huevo a las Arepas de Huevo - quearepas.com
  • Remove from the oil and serve with a little hot bell pepper or serum, as is typical of the Caribbean coast of Colombia.
    Arepas de Huevo en el caldero - quearepas



Nutritional Composition

The nutritional composition of Colombian egg arepas can vary according to the ingredients used and the way they are prepared. Here is an approximation of their nutritional composition per serving (a medium arepa of approximately 100 grams):
  • Calories: 262 kcal
  • Fat: 12 g
  • Saturated fats: 2,5 g
  • Cholesterol: 76 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 30 g
  • Fiber: 2 g
  • Protein: 9 g
  • Sodium: 185 mg
It should be noted that Colombian arepas with eggs are an important source of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which makes them an energetic and satiating option for breakfast or a snack. However, they are also relatively high in fat and cholesterol, so it is recommended to consume them in moderation and accompany them with foods rich in fiber and vitamins to achieve a balanced and healthy diet.
Keyword arepas de huevo, costa colombiana, huevos, Luruaco