How to prepare a delicious Venezuelan Coconut Majarete

Delicious Venezuelan Coconut Majarete -
Delicious Venezuelan Coconut Majarete

Desserts, Venezuelan Bienmesabe, Venezuelan Quesillo, Torta de Pan, Conservas de Coco, Dulce de Lechoza

Majarete de Coco is one of the most popular desserts in Venezuela. This delicious mixture of coconut milk, corn flour and sugar, with a touch of cinnamon and grated papelón, creates a creamy and smooth texture that melts in your mouth. In this article, we will show you how to prepare Venezuelan Coconut Majarete so you can enjoy this delicious dessert at home.

  1. Ingredients needed to make Venezuelan Coconut Majarete
  2. Preparation of the ingredients
  3. Step by step preparation of the Majarete
  4. Venezuelan Coconut Majarete Recipe -
    1. Nutritional Information
  5. Serve and Decorate the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete
  6. Tips for making the perfect Venezuelan Coconut Majarete
  7. Enjoy your Venezuelan Coconut Majarete
  8. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. How long does it take to prepare the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete?
    2. How can I prevent the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete mixture from burning or sticking to the bottom of the pot?
    3. How can I obtain a smoother texture for the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete?
    4. Is it possible to make Venezuelan Coconut Majarete without papelón or grated panela?
    5. Is it possible to make Venezuelan Coconut Majarete without coconut milk?

Ingredients needed to make Venezuelan Coconut Majarete

To prepare the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete, it is important to know the ingredients needed to achieve the perfect texture and flavor. Below, we explain each one of them:

  • Coconut milk: it is the main ingredient of the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete and gives it its characteristic flavor.
  • Corn flour: it is used to thicken the mixture and give it a creamy texture.
  • Condensed milk: it is added to give a sweet and creamy touch to the dessert.
  • Milk: used to dilute the mixture and achieve the desired creamy texture.
  • Sugar: added to sweeten the mixture and balance the coconut flavor.
  • Papelón or grated panela: used to give a more intense and authentic flavor to the dessert. You can also use shredded or mascabado sugar instead.
  • Cinnamon: it is added to give a touch of flavor and aroma to the mixture.
  • Salt: used to enhance the flavor of the other ingredients and balance the sweetness of the mixture.

Preparation of the ingredients

Once the ingredients needed to make the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete have been gathered, they must be properly prepared before use. Below are the steps to prepare the ingredients:

  • Soak the corn flour in the milk for 10-15 minutes: The corn flour must be previously soaked in the milk to avoid the formation of lumps when mixing it with the other ingredients. It is recommended to soak it for 10-15 minutes before use.
  • Grate the papelón or panela: The grated papelón or panela is used to give a more intense and authentic flavor to the dessert. It is recommended to grate the papelón or panela before use to facilitate its dissolution in the mixture.
  • Cut a cinnamon stick if you are going to use fresh cinnamon: If you are going to use fresh cinnamon, it is recommended to cut a cinnamon stick before use. Fresh cinnamon will give a more intense flavor to the dessert, but you can also use powdered cinnamon if you prefer.

Step by step preparation of the Majarete

Once you have prepared the ingredients to make the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete, it is time to mix them properly to achieve the desired texture and flavor.

Mixing the ingredients properly is crucial to achieve a delicious and creamy Venezuelan Coconut Majarete. It is important to take into account the times and temperatures to achieve a homogeneous and consistent mixture. Once you have achieved the desired texture and flavor, you can serve and enjoy this delicious Venezuelan dessert.

We leave you the recipe step by step thanks to Jesica Di Toro's channel.

Delicious Venezuelan Coconut Majarete -

Venezuelan Coconut Majarete Recipe -

To prepare the Majarete de Coco Venezolano, soak the corn flour in the milk, grate the papelón or panela and mix the ingredients in a pot. Then, add the soaked corn flour and the grated papelón to the mixture and cook over medium-low heat until it thickens and has a creamy consistency. It is important to stir constantly to avoid burning or sticking to the bottom of the pot.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Course Postre
Cuisine Venezolana
Servings 6 people
Calories 200 kcal


  • 2 cups Coconut milk
  • 1 cup Corn flour.
  • 300 ml Condensed milk
  • 1 cup Milk
  • 100 gr Sugar
  • 100 gr Papelón or panela
  • 1 unit Cinnamon stick or cinnamon powder
  • 1 pinch Salt


  • In a saucepan, mix coconut milk, condensed milk, milk, sugar, cinnamon and salt. Heat over medium heat until sugar dissolves: Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and heat over medium heat until sugar is completely dissolved. It is important to stir the ingredients constantly to prevent them from burning or sticking to the bottom of the pot.
    Milk and corn flour in a container -
  • Add the soaked corn flour and grated papelón to the mixture: Once the sugar has dissolved, the soaked corn flour and grated papelón should be added to the mixture. It is recommended to add both ingredients little by little while mixing to avoid the formation of lumps.
  • Cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens and has a creamy consistency: Cook the mixture over medium-low heat, stirring constantly to prevent it from burning or sticking to the bottom of the pan. Cook until a thick, creamy mixture of the desired consistency is obtained. This process may take about 20-30 minutes.
    Add more coconut milk -
  • Remove from heat, let stand a few minutes and then place in a mold to decorate. Refrigerate for at least one hour and enjoy.
    Coconut Majarete in a mold -



Nutritional Information

The nutritional composition of Venezuelan Coconut Majarete may vary depending on the recipe used, but the following is a rough estimate based on a 100 gram serving:
  • Calories: 209 kcal
  • Protein: 1.7 grams
  • Fat: 11.4 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 25.2 grams
  • Fiber: 1.4 grams
  • Sugars: 17.6 grams
  • Sodium: 29 mg
Keyword coconut

Serve and Decorate the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete

Once the Majarete de Coco Venezolano has been properly prepared and cooked, it is time to serve and decorate it to enhance its presentation. The following are the steps to serve and decorate the Majarete de Coco Venezolano:

  • Serve the Majarete de Coco in individual cups or glasses: Once the mixture has been cooked and thickened, it should be served in individual cups or glasses. It is recommended to let the dessert cool before serving so that it has a pleasant temperature.
  • Sprinkle powdered or grated cinnamon on top to decorate: To decorate the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete, you can sprinkle powdered or grated cinnamon on top of the dessert. The cinnamon will give a touch of flavor and aroma to the dessert and will also give it a more attractive appearance.

Venezuelan Coconut Majarete can be served cold or at room temperature, according to each person's preference. It is ideal to be enjoyed at any time of the day and can be accompanied with cookies or any other type of dessert. Following these simple steps, you will be able to enjoy a delicious homemade and well decorated Majarete de Coco Venezolano.

Majarete de Coco Venezolano -
Venezuelan Coconut Majarete with caramelized pineapple pieces

Tips for making the perfect Venezuelan Coconut Majarete

To make the perfect Venezuelan Coconut Majarete, it is important to keep in mind some tips that can help achieve a smooth and delicious mixture. Below are some of these tips:

  1. Soak the corn flour in the milk before mixing with the other ingredients to avoid lumps: It is important to soak the corn flour in the milk before mixing with the other ingredients to avoid lumps. This will make the mixture smoother and more homogeneous.
  2. Stir the mixture constantly while cooking to prevent it from sticking or burning on the bottom of the pan: To prevent the mixture from sticking or burning on the bottom of the pan, it is important to stir it constantly while cooking. This will help the mixture cook evenly and prevent burning.
  3. If you want a smoother texture, you can pass the mixture through a strainer before serving: If you prefer a smoother texture for your Majarete de Coco Venezolano, you can pass the mixture through a strainer before serving. This will remove any lumps or impurities that may be left in the mixture.
  4. If you don't have papelón or grated panela, you can use mascabado sugar or raspadura instead: If you don't have papelón or grated panela, you can use mascabado sugar or raspadura instead. These ingredients will give a similar flavor to papelón or panela and will not affect the texture of the mixture.

Enjoy your Venezuelan Coconut Majarete

Once the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete has been prepared and decorated, it is time to enjoy it. Here are some tips to enjoy this delicious Venezuelan dessert to the fullest:

  • Serve the Majarete de Coco Venezolano cold or at room temperature: Venezuelan Coconut Majarete can be served cold or at room temperature, depending on each person's preference. If you want to serve it cold, it is recommended to let it cool in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.
  • Serve with cookies or biscuits if desired: To complement the flavor of Majarete de Coco Venezolano, it can be served with cookies or biscuits. This will give a crunchy texture to the dessert and make it a more complete snack.
  • Share with your friends and family to share the delicious experience of Venezuelan Coconut Majarete: Venezuelan Coconut Majarete is a delicious and traditional dessert in Venezuela, so sharing it with friends and family can be a great experience. In addition, it is an excellent opportunity to make this delicious recipe known to those who do not know it.

Now that you know the secrets to make a delicious Venezuelan Coconut Majarete, you can surprise your loved ones with an authentic and delicious dessert of Venezuelan gastronomy. Prepare it for your parties or special dinners and surprise everyone with its creamy and smooth flavor.

Enjoy more Venezuelan desserts and surprise your guests. Also remember the delicious arepas.

If you are passionate about coconut, you have to try these delicious coconut recipes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to prepare the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete?

The preparation time for the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete varies, but generally it takes about 30 to 40 minutes to prepare the mixture and cook it over medium-low heat until it has the right consistency.

How can I prevent the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete mixture from burning or sticking to the bottom of the pot?

To prevent the mixture from burning or sticking to the bottom of the pan, it is important to stir it constantly while cooking. It is also recommended to cook over medium-low heat to prevent the mixture from heating too quickly.

How can I obtain a smoother texture for the Venezuelan Coconut Majarete?

To obtain a smoother texture for the Majarete de Coco Venezolano, the mixture can be passed through a strainer before serving. This will remove any lumps or impurities that may be left in the mixture.

Is it possible to make Venezuelan Coconut Majarete without papelón or grated panela?

Yes, you can make Majarete de Coco Venezolano without papelón or grated panela. You can use mascabado sugar or raspadura instead, as they will give a similar flavor to papelón or panela and will not affect the texture of the mixture.

Is it possible to make Venezuelan Coconut Majarete without coconut milk?

No, coconut milk is a fundamental ingredient of Majarete de Coco Venezolano and cannot be replaced. However, if coconut milk is not available, you can use coconut cream or shredded coconut mixed with water to achieve a similar mixture.

If you want to know other articles similar to How to prepare a delicious Venezuelan Coconut Majarete you can visit the category Desserts.

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