Delicious Tuna Arepas with Vegetables: A Fusion of Flavors You Must Try

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tuna arepas

Arepas de Auyama, Arepas de Avena, Spinach arepas, Potato arepas, arepas for babies

Discover the delight of Tuna Arepas with Vegetables! Immerse yourself in a unique culinary experience, where the softness of the dough combines with the irresistible flavor of the tuna and the freshness of the vegetables. These arepas are the perfect choice for those looking for a quick, healthy meal full of vibrant flavors, so get ready to conquer your palate with this delicious Venezuelan fusion!

Venezuela, land of exquisite gastronomy, offers us a culinary treasure: arepas. These delicious and versatile corn dough preparations have become a national icon. In this article, we will focus on Tuna Arepas, a tasty and healthy option that combines the best of the sea and the freshness of vegetables. Our goal is to guide you step by step in the preparation of these delicacies, providing you with a detailed recipe and valuable tips for you to enjoy unforgettable arepas. Get ready to surprise your palate with this fusion of flavors!

Remember you can see the recipe for Arepa Cabimera

  1. What is an tuna arepas?
  2. What are the ingredients Tuna Arepas?
    1. Ingredients for Tuna and Vegetable Stuffing
  3. How to make Tuna Arepas?
  4. Tuna Arepas with vegetables Recipe -
  5. Benefits of Tuna Arepas
    1. Nutritional value of tuna
    2. Importance of vegetables in the diet
    3. Combination of nutrients in Tuna Arepas
    4. Versatility of arepas for different food preferences
  6. Presentation and Accompaniment for the Tuna Arepas
  7. Other Tuna Arepas combinations

What is an tuna arepas?

An Tuna Arepas is a variation of the popular Venezuelan arepa that incorporates tuna as the main filling. It consists of a corn dough kneaded and cooked on the grill or fried, which is opened in half and filled with a mixture of canned tuna, seasoned with various condiments and sauces. The arepa with tuna is served hot and can be accompanied with other ingredients such as vegetables, cheese, avocado or additional sauces, according to individual preferences. It is a tasty, nutritious and versatile option to enjoy as breakfast, lunch or dinner.

What are the ingredients Tuna Arepas?

In addition to the ingredients for the arepas: corn flour, salt, water, the tuna and vegan filling is composed of the following ingredients:

Ingredients for Tuna and Vegetable Stuffing

To prepare the delicious tuna and vegetable stuffing, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Quality canned tuna: It is important to choose a good quality brand of canned tuna, preferably in water or olive oil, to ensure optimal flavor and texture in the stuffing.
  2. Fresh tomato: Look for ripe, firm and juicy tomatoes. Their sweetness and balanced acidity will enhance the flavor of the stuffing.
  3. Onion: Opt for fresh, crisp onions. You can use red or white onions, according to your preference.
  4. Avocado: Choose ripe but firm to the touch avocados. They should yield slightly when gently pressed.
  5. Salt: Use salt to enhance the flavors of the ingredients and balance the seasoning of the filling.
  6. Mayonnaise: Add mayonnaise to add creaminess and smoothness to the filling. You can opt for a traditional mayonnaise or a healthier version, depending on your preference.

How to make Tuna Arepas?

The easiest and most practical way to make arepa with tuna is to use canned tuna. I like to put the tuna directly into the arepa, add tomato and chopped onion. You can combine it with avocado and even with cheese, it is delicious. You can also create a kind of tuna salad with all these ingredients and a little mayonnaise.

Arepas con Atún -

Tuna Arepas with vegetables Recipe -

The tuna, vegetables and arepa recipe has many health benefits. In fact, tuna is packed with omega-3 fats, protein, zinc and other nutrients that help boost the immune system. The vegetables add fiber to the dish, which aids digestion and prevents excess weight.
It's quick and easy to make, whether for breakfast or dinner.
Prep Time 8 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Aperitivo, Cena, Desayuno
Cuisine Venezolana
Servings 4 Arepas
Calories 200 kcal


Ingredients for the dough

  • 4 Tazas Warm water
  • 1/2 cda Salt
  • 4 Tazas Precooked corn flour
  • 2 cda Butter

Ingredientes para el relleno

  • 1 Lata Tuna
  • 1 unidad Large tomato
  • 1 unidad Small onion
  • 1/2 unidad Avocado
  • 1/2 cda Salt
  • 1 cda Mayonnaise


Preparación de la masa y arepas

  • Place the water and salt in a bowl and stir to combine. Then add the corn flour little by little, stir to combine and prevent lumps from forming. We can let it rest for a few minutes and start kneading.
    Masa para la arepa con atun -
  • Divide the dough into four similar portions, make a ball with each portion and then form the arepas making circular movements and flattening.
    Arepas ready to cook -
  • We put to medium heat a budare or frying pan, when it is hot we put to cook the arepas. To prevent the arepas from sticking, we can add a little oil or butter before placing them in the pan.
    Arepas en el sartén -
  • Cook for about 6 minutes on each side, we must be careful not to burn them. Take them out and they are ready to be stuffed.
    Arepas ready to fill -

Preparation of tuna and vegetables

  • Place the tuna in a container according to the amount of ingredients.
  • Dice the onion, tomato and avocado. Add these vegetables to the tuna and mix them together. Add salt to taste.
    Atún y cebolla para las arepas - quearepas
  • Then add the mayonnaise and stir. We can also add a little tomato sauce to form a pink sauce.
  • Open the arepas, add butter and filling. They are ready to eat.
    Arepas con Atún -


Keyword atún, vegetales

Benefits of Tuna Arepas

Nutritional value of tuna

Tuna is a key ingredient in arepa with tuna and vegetables that provides countless nutritional benefits. This species of fish is known to be an excellent source of high quality protein. A single tuna fillet can provide a significant amount of protein, making it an ideal ally for those seeking to maintain a balanced diet and build muscle mass.

In addition to its protein content, tuna is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These healthy fats are essential for the proper functioning of the body and play a crucial role in cardiovascular health. Regular consumption of tuna can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lower triglyceride levels and regulate blood pressure.

Arepas with tuna and vegetables -
Tuna Arepas - quearepas

Importance of vegetables in the diet

Vegetables are an essential part of a balanced and healthy diet. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that contribute to the proper functioning of the body and the prevention of various diseases. By including vegetables in your diet, you get a wide range of essential nutrients to maintain a strong immune system and overall optimal health.

Arepas with tuna and vegetables present a perfect opportunity to incorporate these foods into the daily diet. The vegetables used for the filling, such as peppers, onions, tomatoes and avocados, provide a wealth of vitamins such as vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system, and vitamin A, which is essential for eye and skin health. They are also a valuable source of minerals such as potassium, which contributes to electrolyte balance and muscle function.

Dietary fiber present in vegetables is also of great importance for good digestion and for maintaining adequate blood glucose levels. It helps prevent constipation and promotes satiety, which can be useful for body weight control.

Combination of nutrients in Tuna Arepas

One of the most outstanding advantages of arepas with tuna and vegetables is their ability to offer a complete combination of essential nutrients in every bite. The combination of protein from the tuna with the vitamins, minerals and fiber from the vegetables creates a highly nutritious and balanced dish.

The presence of protein in the tuna contributes to maintaining satiety and a stable energy level for longer, which can be beneficial for those who lead an active lifestyle or wish to control their appetite. On the other hand, the vegetables enrich the arepas with vitamins and minerals that support various bodily functions and contribute to radiant skin, healthy hair and overall optimal health.

Versatility of arepas for different food preferences

Tuna and vegetable arepas are an extremely versatile option that adapts to different food preferences and dietary needs. Here are some adaptations for different eating styles:

  • For vegetarians: Those who prefer a meatless diet can enjoy vegetable arepas without the tuna. Simply increase the variety of vegetables used and explore options such as mushrooms, spinach and grated carrots for a delicious and nutritious filling.
  • For gluten-free people: Tuna and vegetable arepas can easily be adapted to be gluten-free by using alternative flours such as precooked cornmeal or gluten-free flours such as almond or rice flour.
  • For a low-carb diet: Those looking to limit their carbohydrate intake can opt for tuna and vegetable arepas without using flours, and instead, use lettuce or collard greens as the base for the filling.

Presentation and Accompaniment for the Tuna Arepas

  1. Ideas to present the arepas in an attractive and appetizing way:
  • Vibrant colors: Use colorful and fresh ingredients to fill the arepas, such as tomatoes, avocado, lechuga, grated zanahorias and radishes, to create a visually attractive presentation.
  • Layers and textures: Add layers of ingredients to create variety in each bite. For example, place a base of lettuce leaves, followed by the tuna and vegetable stuffing, and finally, add slices of avocado on top to give it texture.
  • Creative cuts: Play with different shapes and cuts of ingredients. For example, you can cut the tomatoes into thin slices, the radishes into thin slices and the avocado into pineapples or small cubes to add visual interest.
  1. Suggestions of sauces and dressings that complement the flavor of the arepas:
  • Avocado salsa: Prepare a creamy avocado salsa with lemon, cilantro, garlic and salt. This salsa will give a fresh and smooth touch to the arepas.
  • Ajon and hierbas salsa: Combines natural yogurt, chopped ajon, perezil, cilantro and lemon juice. This refreshing salsa will enhance the flavors of the vegetables and the tuna.
  • Spicy salsa: If you prefer a little spicy sauce, accompany the arepas with a chili salsa or a spicy chile salsa. Be sure to adjust the amount of spicy according to your taste.
  1. Recommendations for garnishes and salads that can be served with arepas:
  • Avocado and tomato salad: Prepare a fresh salad with diced avocado, sliced tomato, chopped red onion and cilantro. Aliña with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  • Guasacaca: This is a Venezuelan salsa based on avocado, similar to guacamole. Serve the arepas with guasacaca and accompany them with a grated cabbage salad and zanahorias.
  1. Options for traditional Venezuelan drinks that go well with arepas:
  • Jugo de parchita: Prepare a refreshing jug of passion fruit. Mix the passion fruit juice with water, sugar and ice. Serve cold with arepas.
  • Chicha: Chicha is a traditional Venezuelan drink based on rice and spices. It is sweet and refreshing, and combines very well with the arepas.
  • Papelón con limón: This drink is made with papelón (pan), a type of brown sugar, and lemon juice. It is a delicious and easy-to-prepare option.

Other Tuna Arepas combinations

This version of the Tuna Arepas recipe can be modified according to your tastes and what you have available in the pantry. For example: Tuna and cheese arepa, with tuna and egg.

You can continue to see arepas colombianas, arepas venezolanas or go to arepas

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