Discover the irresistible taste of Venezuelan Bienmesabe: A dessert to delight your senses!

Venezuelan Coconut Bienmesabe -
Venezuelan Coconut Bienmesabe

Desserts, Quesillo, Torta de Pan, Dulce de Lechoza, Conserva de Coco, Venezuelan Coconut Majarete

Venezuelan culinary art is full of irresistible delicacies, and among them stands out the delicious Venezuelan Bienmesabe. This exquisite dessert has conquered the palates of locals and foreigners alike with its unique combination of flavors and textures. In this article, we invite you to dive into the world of Bienmesabe and discover its ingredients, its preparation and some variants so you can enjoy this delicacy from the comfort of your home.

  1. Origin and history of Venezuelan Bienmesabe
  2. Essential ingredients
  3. Step-by-step processing
  4. Venezuelan Bienmesabe Recipe -
  5. Variants and creative presentation
  6. Tips to accompany the Bienmesabe
  7. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. What does "Bienmesabe" mean and what is its origin?
    2. What is the texture of Venezuelan Bienmesabe?
    3. Can I substitute any ingredient in the Bienmesabe recipe?
    4. How long can Bienmesabe be preserved?
    5. Is it possible to freeze Bienmesabe?
    6. Can I make gluten-free or lactose-free versions of Bienmesabe?

Origin and history of Venezuelan Bienmesabe

Venezuelan Bienmesabe has its roots in Venezuela's colonial era, when the Spanish introduced culinary influences into the country. It is believed that the name "Bienmesabe" comes from the Spanish expression "bien me sabe", which means "it tastes good to me". This traditional dessert is inspired by the Spanish blancmange and pastry techniques of the time.

Over the years, Bienmesabe has become an icon of Venezuelan gastronomy, present at parties and special celebrations. Its popularity is due to its irresistible flavor and its ability to unite different ingredients and flavors in a single creation.

Bienmesabe has evolved over time, adapting to local ingredients and regional tastes. Originally, it was made with almonds, sugar, rose water and cloves, but over time ingredients such as condensed milk, grated coconut and vanilla were added, giving it a distinctive touch.

In addition to its importance in Venezuelan cuisine, Bienmesabe has transcended borders and has become an internationally recognized dessert. Its delicious combination of flavors and smooth texture have made it a true delight for dessert lovers.

Today, Bienmesabe continues to be appreciated and enjoyed throughout the country. It has become a symbol of Venezuelan culinary identity and a sample of the gastronomic legacy that has been passed down from generation to generation. Bienmesabe is a true jewel of Venezuelan confectionery, and its history and tradition continue to delight the palates of those who have the pleasure of tasting it.

Essential ingredients

Venezuelan Bienmesabe is characterized by its unique combination of ingredients that give it its irresistible flavor and texture. These are the essential ingredients used in the preparation of this exquisite dessert:

  1. Condensed milk: Condensed milk is one of the key components of Venezuelan Bienmesabe. It adds sweetness and creaminess to the preparation, giving it a smooth and delicious consistency.
  2. Grated coconut: Grated coconut is another fundamental ingredient in Bienmesabe. Its aroma and tropical flavor add a distinctive touch to the dessert. Both fresh and dehydrated shredded coconut can be used, depending on availability.
  3. Almonds: Almonds are another essential ingredient in Bienmesabe. They bring a crunchy flavor and texture to the dessert, creating a delicious contrast with the smoothness of the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Vanilla: Vanilla is a classic flavoring that enhances the flavor profile of Venezuelan Bienmesabe. It adds a sweet and aromatic note, adding an extra dimension to the mixture.
  5. Egg yolks: Egg yolks are used to enrich the preparation and give it a denser and smoother texture. They contribute to the creaminess of the Bienmesabe, creating an irresistible consistency.
  6. Rum or sweet liqueur (optional): Some traditional Venezuelan Bienmesabe recipes include a touch of rum or sweet liqueur. This adds a characteristic flavor and light aroma to the dessert. However, this option is completely optional and can be omitted if preferred.

These ingredients are carefully combined following a specific recipe to achieve the authentic and unique flavor of the Venezuelan Bienmesabe. Each component plays an important role in the creation of this gastronomic delight that has conquered the hearts and palates of so many people.

Step-by-step processing

The preparation of Venezuelan Bienmesabe requires following a series of steps to obtain the perfect result. Here is a step-by-step guide to prepare this exquisite dessert:

Thanks to the recipe from Por amor al horno and her youtube channel.

Venezuelan Coconut Bienmesabe -

Venezuelan Bienmesabe Recipe -

Venezuelan Bienmesabe is a traditional dessert with a smooth and creamy texture. It is prepared by mixing condensed milk, grated coconut, almonds and egg yolks, and cooked to a pudding-like consistency. Refrigerate for a few hours before enjoying this delicious dessert that combines tropical flavors and sweetness.
Prep Time 4 hours 10 minutes
Cook Time 8 minutes
Total Time 4 hours 18 minutes
Course Postre
Cuisine Venezolana
Servings 6 people
Calories 60 kcal


For the sponge cake sheet

  • 4 unit Fresh eggs
  • 1 tbsp Vanilla
  • 1 Pizca Salt
  • 120 gr Sugar
  • 1 unit Orange or lemon zest
  • 60 gr Unprepared all-purpose wheat flour
  • 60 gr Cornstarch

For the coconut pastry cream

  • 4 cups Coconut milk
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1 pizca Salt
  • 1 unit Cinnamon stick
  • 6 units Egg Yolks
  • 1/3 cup Cornstarch
  • 1/3 cup Wheat flour
  • 1/3 cup Unsalted butter
  • 1/2 tbsp Vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tbsp Orange extract

For the basic syrup

  • 1 cup Water
  • 1 1/4 gr Sugar
  • 1/2 cup White or aged rum

For the meringue

  • 6 units Egg whites
  • 420 gr Sugar
  • 1/4 tbsp Salt


Preparation of the sponge cake

  • The first thing to prepare is the sponge cake of 4 eggs of about 40 by 28 cm, let stand completely.

Preparation of coconut cream

  • Place 3 1/2 cups of coconut milk, 1 cup of sugar, a pinch of salt, and a cinnamon stick in a saucepan over medium-high heat. After boiling let it boil for about 5 minutes.
    Mixture for Bienmesabe -
  • In another container place 6 egg yolks, 1/2 cup of coconut milk, 1/3 cup of cornstarch and 1/3 cup of wheat flour. Sift the flour and cornstarch to avoid lumps. Mix everything until a homogeneous and uniform mixture is obtained.
    Eggs with flour -
  • Remove the mixture from the heat and remove the cinnamon stick. Now mix the two mixtures together while stirring very well.
    Mix everything -
  • Turn off the heat and add 1/3 cup unsalted butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, and 1/2 teaspoon orange extract. Then strain this mixture to remove any lumps and cover with plastic wrap until completely cooled.

Preparation of basic syrup

  • Place 1 cup of water, 1 1/4 cup of sugar in a pot and let it boil for about three minutes. Add 1/2 cup of rum

Assembly of the bienmesabe

  • Place a layer of sponge cake on the mold and then a layer of syrup. On top of this we place a third of the coconut cream, distributing it evenly. Add a layer of grated coconut.
    Repeat this process until all the ingredients are used up. Then cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

Preparation of meringue

  • In a container place 6 egg whites, double the sugar by weight, 1/4 teaspoon of salt. We mix and then we take to the bain-marie, we continue mixing until all the sugar is diluted. We take to the mixer.

Bienmesabe decoration

  • Remove from refrigeration, disassemble and with the help of a pastry bag proceed to decorate.
    Decorating the bienmesabe -


Keyword condensed milk

Variants and creative presentation

Venezuelan Bienmesabe is a versatile dessert that allows for several variations and creative presentation options. Here are some ideas to experiment and give a unique touch to this delicious dessert:

  1. Parchita Bienmesabe: Add the juice and pulp of the parchita (passion fruit) to the traditional Bienmesabe mixture. This will add an acidic and refreshing touch, creating a delicious variant full of tropical flavor.
  2. Chocolate Bienmesabe: Add grated chocolate or cocoa powder to the Bienmesabe mixture. The chocolate will give it a more intense flavor and a silky smooth texture. You can also add dark chocolate chips to create a more indulgent experience.
  3. Mini Bienmesabe in shot glasses: Instead of presenting the Bienmesabe in a single bowl, opt for serving it in individual cups. Alternating layers of Bienmesabe, whipped cream and fresh fruit will create a visually appealing and easy-to-eat dessert.
  4. Bienmesabe with tropical fruits: Accompany the Bienmesabe with slices of tropical fruits such as mango, pineapple or guava. These fruits will provide a contrast of flavors and textures, in addition to enhancing the exotic character of the dessert.
  5. Bienmesabe in tart form: Use the Bienmesabe mixture as a filling for a tart. You can prepare a base of crushed cookies or shortcrust pastry, pour in the Bienmesabe mixture and refrigerate until firm. This will create an elegant presentation that is easy to cut into portions.
  6. Spiced Bienmesabe: Add spices such as cinnamon, cloves or nutmeg to the Bienmesabe mixture to give it an aromatic and warming touch. These spices will complement the existing flavors and add a touch of sophistication.

Remember that these are just a few suggestions, and you can let your imagination run wild to create your own creative variations and presentations of the Venezuelan Bienmesabe, explore and enjoy the versatility of this delicious traditional dessert!

Tips to accompany the Bienmesabe

Venezuelan Bienmesabe is a delicious dessert on its own, but you can elevate its flavor and enjoyment even more by pairing it with some complementary options. Here are some tips to enhance your Bienmesabe experience:

  1. Venezuelan coffee: Venezuelan coffee is known for its rich and aromatic flavor. Accompany your serving of Bienmesabe with a cup of freshly brewed coffee to create a perfect combination of flavors. The contrast between the sweetness of the dessert and the intensity of the coffee will create a balanced and satisfying experience.
  2. Sweet liqueur: If you wish to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your dessert, you can pair it with a sweet liqueur. Venezuelan rum or a liqueur such as amaretto or coffee liqueur can perfectly complement the flavor of the Bienmesabe. Serve a small glass of liqueur next to the dessert to taste both flavors in each bite.
  3. Vanilla ice cream: If you are looking for a refreshing and creamy option, accompany the Bienmesabe with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The combination of the sweet and smooth Bienmesabe with the cold and creamy ice cream creates a harmony of flavors and temperatures that you will love.
  4. Fresh fruit: Add a touch of freshness and color to your Bienmesabe with fresh fruit. You can serve sliced strawberries, kiwis, mangos or other fruits of your choice with the dessert. The acidity and juicy texture of the fruits will provide an interesting contrast to the sweetness and creaminess of the Bienmesabe.
  5. Chantilly cream: Chantilly cream is a classic option to accompany desserts. You can add a generous dollop of whipped cream on top of your portion of Bienmesabe to add a light and fluffy texture. You can also sprinkle a little cinnamon or cocoa powder on top of the cream for an extra touch of flavor.

You can continue to enjoy your Venezuelan flavor website or continue to enjoy the best Venezuelan desserts.

If you are passionate about coconut, you have to try these delicious coconut recipes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does "Bienmesabe" mean and what is its origin?

The term "Bienmesabe" comes from old Spanish and means "eats well" or "tastes good". Venezuelan Bienmesabe is a traditional dessert that has its roots in Spanish cuisine, but has evolved over time in Venezuela, becoming an emblematic dish of the country's gastronomy.

What is the texture of Venezuelan Bienmesabe?

Venezuelan Bienmesabe has a smooth and creamy texture, similar to pudding or thick cream. Its consistency may vary slightly depending on the recipe and the personal preference of each cook.

Can I substitute any ingredient in the Bienmesabe recipe?

Although it is advisable to follow the traditional recipe to obtain the authentic flavor of Venezuelan Bienmesabe, there are some possible variations. For example, you can substitute fresh shredded coconut for desiccated coconut if you can't find fresh coconut. You can also adjust the amount of sugar or add spices according to your taste.

How long can Bienmesabe be preserved?

Venezuelan Bienmesabe can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for approximately 3-4 days. However, it is possible that the texture may become a little denser with time. It is recommended to consume it within the first few days to enjoy it at its best.

Is it possible to freeze Bienmesabe?

It is not recommended to freeze Venezuelan Bienmesabe, as the texture and consistency may be negatively affected when thawed. It is best enjoyed fresh and refrigerated to maintain its optimum quality and flavor.

Can I make gluten-free or lactose-free versions of Bienmesabe?

Yes, it is possible to adapt the Venezuelan Bienmesabe recipe to make it suitable for people with gluten or lactose intolerance. You can use alternative ingredients such as lactose-free condensed milk or gluten-free vegetable milk. Be sure to verify that all ingredients used are suitable for your specific dietary needs.

If you want to know other articles similar to Discover the irresistible taste of Venezuelan Bienmesabe: A dessert to delight your senses! you can visit the category Desserts.

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